Saturday 19 June 2010

Where does the time go?

I can’t believe it my baby is one tomorrow – this time last year my contractions had started. It doesn’t seem like two minutes ago, never mind 12 months ago. My little bundle of joy, who was so tiny that newborn clothes were huge on him is now a cheeky little monkey, with a personality of his own. From a tiny helpless baby who fit snugly in my arms, to a squirming toddler; who runs around and wreaks havoc everywhere he goes.

In some ways it seems only two minutes ago, I can remember it all so clearly – yet on the other hand it’s impossible to remember what life was like before Joshua was in it. It’s as though he has always been there.

There has been much laughter and almost as many tears, but it’s an incredible year. Watching my baby blossom and growing. Every time he learns something new is as amazing as the first time. From his first smile, to his first step. His first year of life has had more firsts than I can count on my fingers – hopefully there will be many more firsts and many more years of happiness before he grows up and breaks his Mummy’s heart.

Soon I’ll be doing it all again, adding a new little person to our family. I sometimes wonder how you can share your love between more than one child – how can I ever feel so much love for another person as I feel for Joshua. I already know though that the love doesn’t get shared it doubles, I can already feel it. I already love both my babies with every ounce of my heart!

Wednesday 16 June 2010

To be or not to be?

To be Team Yellow or to find out and join team pink or team blue, that is the question I am facing right now. I have less than three weeks to decide.

I had made my mind up, we’d stay team yellow the same as we did with Joshua – the surprise was amazing. However I am so curious right now, and would love to buy squid (baby) a tiny little outfit – but I can’t find anything neutral that I like. The choice is even less than when I was shopping for Joshua, which sucks.

Ant doesn’t want to find out, but I think I can be quite persuasive when I want to be – I just don’t know if I actually want to be! How am I ever going to make my mind up? Everyone else in the entire world (well it feels like it) wants us to find out, and wants baby to be a girl. Make me feel too much pressure, if I have another little boy will people lose interest? All I care about is that I have a baby, hopefully a healthy little baby. If I have a girl fantastic, then I will have one of each and I get to buy tiny little girl outfits – pretty dresses and tights. If I have a boy then it’s also fantastic, Joshua is amazing and so a second boy would be also – would have two cheeky monkeys then :) Plus I would save myself money on clothes (which I can spend on my new addiction)

So to stay team yellow or to not? What would you do if it was you?

Friday 11 June 2010

Cloth Bums

With baby number two on the way I am having a serious look into converting to cloth nappies – I looked before and bought one cloth nappy, but never managed to completey convince my dear Ant. So this time I am preparing myself, I will be armed with tons of advice and answers to any questions he might have. (anything I don’t know the answer to I will ask google lol)

I actually dug out the cloth nappy I own and Joshua is wearing it right now, looking super cute I might add. I really wanted to get a picture to show you all, but my camera is fooked so no such luck. Another time perhaps.

I’ve look up all the pros and cons and have armed myself with a list to present to Ant when he gets up, although when he first wakes might not be the best time. I’ve been reading reviews on lots of different types of nappies and I have to say I am somewhat confused by how many different types and styles there are. I’m trying not to just decide I want the ‘pretty ones’ and am being good and asking other Mums their favourites and trying to find the most practical and good value for money.

Initially the cost of a stash of cloth will be expensive but in the long run it should work out considerable cheaper – providing I don’t get addicted to buying them and end up with millions. Which is quite possible, although being skint will put a stop to over the top buying.

I have decided (if I can convince my OH of course) that I am going to buy a couple of different makes of nappies and see which we like the best and then slowly build a stash up hopefully before the new baby makes an appearance.

I already own a Flip and I am quite liking the look of the Little Lambs and couple of people have recommended them. They look so soft and comfy and come in a good selection of colours.

How funky are these? Some of the make’s of nappies have such awesome designs!

I’m getting a little bit too excited about the prospect of owning more cloth nappies, is that a little sad? Guess it comes with being a Mum maybe? Or I just a little wierd...although I know I am not alone. There are a lovely bunch of ladies who’ve been helping me out over the on the Baby and Bump forum

Friday 4 June 2010

I want...

... An Icandy Pear! It's on the scale of stamping my feet and demanding one. Although that doesn't work for toddlers so is highy unlikely to work for me. Mores the pity!!

Look >>>>

Isn't it amazing?! I didn't want a double buggy until I saw this - I've been debating if I need one since I found out I was pregnant. None of them did what I wanted - until I came across the pear! It can be arranged in 20 different ways.. how awesome!

The downside there is no price online which means its probably more expensive than a second hand car! No I'm not exagerating. Ants (my husband)response was 'I'd want it to make a cup of tea for that price.'
I did laugh, but it wasn't a no was it? Do you think he can be persuaded?!

I WOULD get three years use out of it, as you can use it as a single buggy as well as a double. So it would go some way to being value for money - a small way perhaps!

I'm not even convinced I could bring myself to part with so much money... but the more I think about it, the more i think I will need a double buggy. Joshua is walking but will only be 17 months, he's not going to want to walk all the time. Is he? I have no clue! Perhaps I could sell things... my two buggies for starters (yes I have two)

Anyway I am going to go and carry on dreaming...

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Controlled Crying & Crying It Out

These are both sleep training exercises that can be used when trying to get a baby into a sleep routine. Many people agree with them, one or the other and many more don’t believe in either of them.

Crying it out (CIO) is basically leaving a child to cry without going back into them and leaving them until the fall asleep.

Controlled crying (CC) is a sleep training technique where parents allow a baby to cry for increasing lengths of time until he or she eventually falls asleep. The parent will go in and check on a baby at increased intervals until he or she finally learns to self soothe and fall asleep without the help of a sleep prop or parental intervention.

I couldn’t bear the thought of using either of these techniques when Joshua was younger and I could never understand and still don’t, parent’s who use either technique on small babies. Both techniques are not recommended until a baby is at least 6 months old – even then I wouldn’t use either. As far as I was concerned I didn’t want my baby to become scared of sleep times, and over time we went from rocking him to sleep, to staying with him till he drifted off to being able to put him down sleepy and leave the room. It took longer than either CIO or CC probably would but caused both me and Joshua much less stress.

However after months of going to sleep brilliant something changed and Joshua would no longer fall to sleep, at ten months I made the decision that I couldn’t get into the habit of staying with him until he fell asleep – especially with a new baby on the way. So I decide to try out my own version of CC. I chose ten minutes and left Joshua to cry, and then went back in, lay him down and popped dummy in. I repeated this every ten minutes until he finally fell asleep. The first night took an hour and half and I sat outside his room crying, it was killing me. Listening to my baby crying is so hard, it just doesn’t seem natural. I came so close to giving in but was so glad when I never. My night four he only cried for ten minutes, and generally that’s as long as he cries for most nights now – usually just having a fuss and settling himself.

As hard as it was at the time, and as much as I felt like the WORST mummy in the world. I know it was the right decision and since doing it 90% of nights he sleeps all the way through – something he has never done before!
I would never chose CIO as an option as how would you know if your baby had a dirty nappy, or had been sick or anything if you just left them up there to cry until they fell asleep. It reminds me of that NSPCC advert ‘Miles has learnt that nobody comes whether he cries or not!” Breaks my heart!

So that’s my view on things...what does everyone else think?

A little about me

I already write a blog filled with random things, but I do find I want to write baby related things but I don’t want to bore my readers so I thought I would start another blog for all Mummy related topics – keep the two separate. I’m not sure how it will work or if I will get any interest but that’s the reason behind doing one.

So a little about me.

My name is Lucy, I’m 25 and a mummy to Joshua Ryan who will be one in just under three weeks – I honestly don’t know where the past year has gone. He’s not a baby anymore but a toddler – it’s hard to imagine he was ever as small as he was. I’m also 15 weeks pregnant with number to, which is pretty exciting and scary at the same time.

Married to a Anthony – a lovely love guy, and we live in out ickle two bed house. Need and want a bigger one but it’s not possible right now, or in the foreseeable future. So we just squeeze in together! We have Dylan our Labrador, he’s crazy but so sweet and him and Joshua get on so well.

Think that’s about it, you will no doubt learn much much more about me as I write more posts!

Oh and if you read I would love to hear your comments and thoughts on any of my posts! J