Saturday 29 December 2012


It's that time of years when we all look back on what we've done and think about any resolutions we want to make for the following year. I was going to do a month by month look back over the year and I did start to write it but each month seemed to feature heavily with my new relationship. So basically I'm just going to give a recap of how my life has changed in the last 12 months.

My life this time last year was massively different to how it is now. The beginning of last year brought about one of the hardest decisions I have ever made – I broke up with my husband. I didn't hate him, I still don’t but I am 100% happier now than I was. He's a good guy, just not the guy for me. Almost immediately I met someone else, I already knew him. He's my boss, I can honestly say I never once saw him as anything other than my boss and a nice guy. I'm not going to go into all the details of how we got together, basically I blurted out my marriage problems to him and it went from there. We talked and talked and now almost a year later we are still together.

Without a doubt S is the BEST thing to happen to me in 2012 – every day I swear I love him more. We've tackled telling the exes, telling our directors. We've been on a big family holiday with all four of our kids and we've been away for a long weekend just the two of us. It's all been pretty perfect. We are quite similar, although completely different at the same time. He makes me more confident and helps to stop me stressing when I get on my high horse about things. We conclude that we make a good team and our similar approach to parenting definitely helps. He's sweet and caring and makes me feel incredibly loved.  He does things like post a present through my door (which he schemed with my friend about) and writes me messages in pasta.

A moved out in April (I think – possibly May), we'd been split up for a while and it got increasingly harder being in the same house. It was a huge relief when he finally moved, but at the same time it was incredibly scary. I worried about the finances and just living alone. I'm not alone I have my boys, but it’s the first time I haven’t lived with another adult. I have survived, granted I have had my dad round to unblock my bath. S over to go into my loft and A to fix my curtain pole. I have done lots myself though, I decorated my whole kitchen alone. I never used to cook previously, but I haven't killed anyone yet and actually I can cook. It's been good for me to have my independence.

My boys turned two and three and are growing into such amazing little boys. Since going to preschool J has gained in confidence and is less shy around people, his memory and ability to learn new things amazes me daily. R is a cheeky little monkey, who could get away with murder with his cheeky little smile. He's a complete little chatter box and his imagination is amazing He's so different to J at that age, who was quiet and barely spoke at all. They are the best of friends but can fight like cat and dog, but will always stick up for each other. I love them so bloody much!

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