Sunday 25 September 2011

I have two toddlers!!

How the hell did that happen? R was ten months old on Friday and he has upped his walking somewhat. He is now walking as much if not more than he is crawling. Today he mastered standing up without climbing something first, and stopping to bend down and pick something up before carrying on walking. Definitely a very proud Mummy, makes me go all gushy.

I know J walked at 10.5 months but I am still finding it all a little insane. Why do my babies insist on growing up so quickly? Am I supposed to call him a toddler now? I guess so since he is toddling. I don’t want to though, he’s just my tiny little baby.

Look where I found him this evening….

… He was looking very pleased with himself. Nothing is safe any more, most of all R. The chairs are definitely going to have to be put out of the room when not in use, because disaster is looming. I have visions on him climbing up and the chair tipping forward and him landing on the laminate. He has no fear, he’s turning into a proper little dare devil.

He’s also started with little mini tantrums. Screaming and arching his back when he doesn’t want to go in the car seat/pushchair.  Throwing himself face down on the floor if something doesn’t go his way, or something is taken away from him. I am so not prepared for this, one toddler is about as much as I can handle some days. Toddlers are like minefields, one small step in the wrong direction and everything explodes. I will never master toddlers, they completely baffle me. Complicated little things with strong personalities … at least my two are.

If you find me rocking in the corner one day, then it’ll be because the children have driven me completely insane.

Has anyone got two toddlers? How do you cope with them? 


  1. Tantrums?? Already?? Oh gosh not good. But Joshua doesn't have them that often anymore does he?? So its not that bad :p you should be still used to them tho :P
    Perhaps Riley will stop having them sooner too :D

  2. Oh Joshua still has them! lol Just not as often, maybe once a day instead of 5 times haha

  3. Arlo has started the back arching/leg kicking when going into the buggy. Dreading toddler tantrums!
