Saturday 13 November 2010

Oh so glam...

... Or not! Cleaning up sick is definately one of the less glamourous sides to being a Mummy, but a side that comes as part of the job.

My little boy was poorly sick last night for the first time, impressive considering he's 17months next weekend. Obviously we had some milky sick but that was just because he was a piggy.

I actually feel incrediably guilty because  I have no idea when he was sick or how many times before I found him. The only reason I knew he was awake was because I heard him moving around his bedroom - poking my head around his door the smell hit me immediately. Joshua was searching for his dummy and trying to climb back into bed. Scooping him up he was shaking, so quickly I stripped off his nightclothes and got him in some fresh ones, giving lots of cuddles to warm him up. He's such a soilder not a single tear, I feel like crying when I'm sick. He watched in confusion as I stripped, hosed and stuffed his bedclothes in the washer. Although on inspection this morning the sheet is heading for the bin... Blueberries stain and apparently vanish does not remove it! 

Cuddling in my bed Joshua was sick again but I managed to move him and catch it in a towel before it went on my sheets. That was the end of it then thankfully. He eventually drifted back to sleep. However mummy stayed awake until daddy moved him back into his own bed just before 3am. A mixed of worry, squid making me uncomfortable and Joshua's endless wriggling meant sleep was impossible.

Thankfully he's back to his perky self this morning and so far has kept a small amount of breakfast down. Mummy on the other hand is avoiding a huge pile of ironing and dreaming of going back to bed when daddy wakes.

Hopefully it'll be at least another 17momths before we're cleaning up sick again. Ewww

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