Thursday 4 November 2010

Tried and Tested

Took my beautiful phil and teds pushchair out for the first time the other day. Took me a while to get it into an upright position for Joshua, and remove the 2nd seat though. I definately need more pratice.

I got there in the end, joshua nicely strapped in and ready for our walk. He looked really comfy and I think he preferred it to our petite star. Purely because he was sat more upright and had a good view of the world. He didn't moan once... But it was only the first outing. So time will tell.

It is much heavier than the petie star but then it wad always going to be. Yet it was very easy to push and steer... I just need to get used to it being a bit wider. Stupid wilko's and there narrow tills... Had to wait in the biggest queue cos it had the only till we'd fit thru. Soo glad we didn't opt for a side by side double pushchair or we'd have been completely screwed.

I didn't find a fault with it on this occasion but I've not had to put the raincover on yet... They always seem to baffle me a little. Maybe I'm just not smart enough for pushchairs or something!!

Looking forward to trying it out when squid makes his appearance and I can pop both my little men in it. I'm so never going into town via the road with the hill once I'm pushing them both... I fear it would actually kill me. Although it would be a good workout, perhaps if I walk up a hill every day I'll actually manage to shed some of my baby weight. Who am I kidding? I'm never gonna get back to a size I'm happy with!

Whoops I went a little of track there... But to recap I'm very happy with my purchase. Just desperately trying to sell my graco pushchair and failing. We really don't need three.

1 comment:

  1. Haha you and your pushchair obsession :p
    Well but I have seen your new one and I have to say its wonderful :D Cant wait to try it out in March :P
