Thursday 27 January 2011

Brotherly Love

Before Riley entered the world I had absolutely no idea how Joshua was going to react to him. I feared jealousy and worst of all Joshua trying to hurt him. I don’t know whether we are just lucky, but we’ve had neither. Joshua has always been a sweet, gentle (albeit bad tempered) little boy and there is no exception with his baby brother.

In the first few days of Riley being around, Joshua wasn’t so sure. When we asked if he liked Riley he would say ‘no’ but then he’d kiss him. Quite often he will lie of sit with him, touching his nose, playing with his feet or passing him toys. It’s beautiful to watch.

He tries to help when Riley cries. A few days back J was patting Riley’s back to try and stop him crying. He’s seen us do it when we’re winding him, so he was trying to help me. Washing his face is another fun one, he went through a stage of doing that all the time, he’s even tried to brush his teeth for him.

The other afternoon we were at my parents and Riley had been sleeping in his car seat. Joshua was sat watching him when he woke up. So J stood up and rocked the seat, then peered at Riley, shook his head and tried again. Obviously trying to get him back to sleep. Was adorable, a heart melting moment.

My Mum likes to tell me that Joshua gets jealous sometimes, but honestly he doesn’t. Okay sometimes when I’m holding Riley he will want to be picked up to – but I wouldn’t call is jealously. Maybe I’m deluded, but I don’t think so, since most of the time he doesn’t bother.

I just know J is going to love it once R is on the move and he can play with him. I'm dreading the mischief already.


  1. Why do you say this isn't interesting??
    I'm glad to hear Joshua is acting that way. Can't wait to see it myself.
    Not everyone is jealous when a new family members arrived and all the attention is on the new member. I know from my cousin that her son was trying to help with his little brother too, although he is already 7, but still, at that age they are at least able to understand whats happening.

  2. Well I never know how interesting my babbles are to other people! You get to see them together soon :) Thanks for reading x
