Friday 4 February 2011

Fuming Friday

I’ve recently started to follow a lovely new lady on twitter and have come across her blog – unpackedmummy. She has come up with a blog hop idea, and I definitely want to join in. This is a how she describes it.

So I was thinking it may be fun to have a bit of a link up where we can all let off steam about something that annoys us. So every Friday, I am going to write a post where I get something off my chest that has wound me up during the week and put it up here on my blog. If you want to add a post then add your details below and we can really get going, and get ranty, properly!

So this week I want to rant about my parents... now before I start I want to clarify that I love them dearly, just at times they drive me to frustration. They seem to feel the need to feed and then feed my son some more, they are bad enough with me but it frustrates me a hell of a lot more with J. If you offer him cake he’s going to eat it, there are not many kids that won’t. Last Saturday I came home and had a bit of a twitter rant about it as I ended up really so cross.

My Lovely Mummy gave Joshua a scone when we arrived, which was fine it was snack time anyway. Then a short while later Joshua was being a bit grumpy as he is so she asked it he would like some raisins (yoghurt covered ones) he told her No. So she asked him again, and again he said no. So her reply was come with me and lets have a look and 30 seconds later he’s returned with a dish of raisins. Which I add he ate about four of then left them on the table... like he said, he didn’t want them. J doesn’t have many words but he is brilliant at saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’ if he says no he means it. He used to answer yes to everything, then get frustrated that we gave him something he didn’t actually want. Soon he learnt that no meant he didn’t get it if he didn’t want it. So by my Mum giving him something when he said no is just going to confuse him.

Anyway I digress, so again a short while later she is making tea and getting more scones out, I said Joshua can’t have one but he can have a bite of mine. But she’s buttering him one and popping a piece in his mouth, so I repeat no firmer and she leaves the scone on the side. Making me feel rotton because Joshua had seen it and I was the one who had to say no.

Just before we were due to leave and go home for a nice dinner than my hubby was cooking, my dad started to feed Joshua chips – not any chips, chip shop chips loaded with salt. Salt is bad, salt is evil so I was not happy. I repeatedly said ‘no more we’re going home for tea’ But my protests fell on deaf ears. They are unable to refuse the puppy dogs eyes of my little boy and just keep giving.
It drives me mental, it makes me feel like I’m a mean Mummy because I’m always saying no. I fully appreciate that grandparents are there to spoil and they love nothing more. However if the Mummy says no then please, please listen. Saturday resulted in my having to deal wit a major meltdown when I took him away from the chips and took him home – literally had to pin him down to strap him in the car. He was then grumpy all night, its not fair that I am left to deal with that when it could be prevented in the first place.

I’m trying to encourage a healthy attitude to food, and recently he has become a tad fussy so I don’t want him filling up on unhealthy food. What worries me most is that I am going on holiday for two weeks with my parents this year. How can I approach it without ending up losing my rag with them or spending my holiday annoyed?


  1. Thanks for the mention and for joining my blog hop. I thought it would be a fun way for people to let off steam so they could face the weekend feeling offloaded!

    Your parents sound like just the way my mum is with K and I hate it because she puts me in a position where I either have to be the mean one or act inconsistently and confuse K. I can understand why you needed to rant, it drives me up the flaming wall!

    Hope you have a lovely (chip-shop chip free) weekend!

  2. I like the idea of this blog :D and will look forward to read more about you letting of some steam.

    And for the food I really hope your mum will start to listen to you and will accept your decisions. Grandparents are such a pain.

  3. Unpacked Mummy : My wweekend wasn't chip shop chip free! Gah!

    Tanja: Hope they will listen :)

  4. Thanks for the mention and for joining my blog hop. I thought it would be a fun way for people to let off steam so they could face the weekend feeling offloaded!

    Your parents sound like just the way my mum is with K and I hate it because she puts me in a position where I either have to be the mean one or act inconsistently and confuse K. I can understand why you needed to rant, it drives me up the flaming wall!

    Hope you have a lovely (chip-shop chip free) weekend!
