Monday 3 January 2011

Looking back

2010 is drawing to a close, (well it was when i started writing) another year has passed by. We're all another year older but not necessarily wiser.

2010 has had it's ups and it's downs, but thankfully there has been decidedly more ups. I fancied having a little recap of the year ao here goes..

January must have been a quiet month, I can't remember anything of any significance happening. Then again after the madness of Christmas a quiet month was proberly needed. Wait I went back to work for a few days this month, my keeping in touch days - breaking me gently into working life again.

February took pretty much the same shape as january. What would have been a boring two months if not for my son who prevents anything from getting to boring. 

March I found out I was pregnant again. I had an 8 month old and i was pregnant, that possibly made me insane. I was extrememly excited and extrememly scared. I was going to have two babies 17months apart. I also returned to work this month and was somewhat dreading having to break the news to them so soon.

April was Ant's thirtieth and we jetted off to Egypt for a week to celebrate. One week turned into two as the volcanic eruption grounded flights. Thankfully our travel company footed the bill so we got an all inclusive week free - it wasn't easy to relax and enjoy though as we could have been called to fly at any point.

May was the eagerly anticipated month of my 12 week scan. Nerves overtook excitement until the moment we saw our little squid wriggling around. We'd made it to that all important week, second trimester was about to be entered and we could share our exciting news. Unfortunately reactions were mixed but we didn't let it bring us down. 
May was westlife month, a night in London and a weekend in Manchester with wonderful friends.
Also my baby took his first steps at ten and half months old, making me a proud mummy. 

June was my baby's 1st birthday, it was scary how fast time had gone. He was no longer a baby but a toddler with his own personality. We celebrated with a trip to the zoo and much fun was had.

July we found out we were to have another boy, confirming what I already suspected. A little brother and play mate for J. 
Ant got to drive a lambourghini this month (his 30th birthday gift from me) was fun to watch and even more enjoyable for him to actually do. We made it into a day out and spent the afternoon in the park.
A good friend gave birth to her little boy, a new playmate for my boys.

August must have been another quiet month, as I have no memory of it what so ever. 

September I had a brief visit from one of my best friends, she was over in England from Germany for the weekend. So made the trek up to see a heavily pregnant me.

October I turned 21.... I wish! Anyway I had a quiet birthday, being heavily pregnant and having a toddler hardly allowed for a rock n roll birthday. I made it up to visit my friend in Leeds the weekend before my birthday, just me and the little one. We chatted, ate and was generally lazy..was exactly what I needed. 
I also finished work, maternity leave started at the end of the month meaning there was three weeks to go to the big day.

November the best month of the year, I welcomed my little boy into the world a mere 3 days late (see my birth story blog) 
The three weeks leading up to his birth were insanely slow, the last week of the month went insanely fast.

December passed in a daze of dirty nappies (2 lots), sleepless nights and illnesses. And of course Christmas which was insane and brilliantly fun. My best Christmas by far! 

I'm looking forward to 2011 and everything it brings. Am hoping for a quieter year.. No babies this year. I've spent portions of the last 3 years pregnant! 21 months of being pregnant in total over 2008/2009 & 2010, it's more than enough for a few years...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful year to you :D and you haven't mentioned any ups at all. They must have been either little or not for everyones eyes ;) *huggles*

    Anyway I am talking rubbish :p And just want to thank you that I was a part of your 2010 :D

    Bring on the fun in 2011
