Well I’ve been officially rubbish at blogging this last week, I got caught up in something else and found myself unable to drag myself away from it. So I didn’t even get to write my Feel Good Friday. If I had written it, I would have celebrated the fact that I bought a pair of size 10 trousers and a size 10 top. I honestly cannot remember the last time I was in a size 10. I think I was a 12 when I started seeing Ant nearly seven years ago…so it has been a long time. I am so incredibly happy; I just hope that I can maintain it.
In other exciting news R learnt to clap today, he was sat on my lap and J was playing with a singing cow and R suddenly started laughing and clapping along. It was so cute. He has been hitting objects together for a week or so, so he has been doing the clapping motion – today was the first time he did proper clapping though. Daddy was pleased to report that he’s been sat clapping and chanting ‘dada dada dada,’ all day. I absolutely love watching him learn new things, but with each new thing there is a pang of sadness that my baby is growing up.
In the past week we’ve had two teeth cut through, first the top one because he likes to do things different, then one at the bottom. I think the other two will come through relatively quickly, maybe then we’ll get a little more sleep. Or perhaps that is just wishful thinking.
J is coming along brilliantly with his speech now, after all my worrying and fretting he seems to be learning a word a day at the moment. It’s as though something has just clicked and he realises talking is good, we are getting less tantrums and I think this is because he is able to communicate better what he wants. If he wants food, or juice, or up etc then he can now tell us. It’s amazing seeing him learning so much.
He had his first hair cut on Sunday *cries* he still has his curls though, my big sister just gave his fringe a little trim (albeit slightly wonky) because it was getting in his eyes and annoying him. At some point he is going to have to get a proper haircut, but I can’t bear to do it. He’ll lose his curls and the last little bit of babyness; although he’s long stopped being a baby. It’ll change the way he looks so much and I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. Twenty five months and no haircut, that’s impressive isn’t it?

I went back to work today, I’m not sure how I feel. It felt strange and it’s definitely the longest I have sat in one place for a very long time. I don’t even get six hours still in bed, never mind sitting down at home. Does this mean I’m going to get fat? Will I have to work extra hard to keep the weight off? I am walking to work and back, it takes me about 12 minutes to walk and that’s a brisk walk. Pretty much as fast as I can walk, and I use the stairs at work so that should help right?
I think that’s all the updates I have.