I went back to work this week, after nine months off I was dreading it – however after three days it feels like I have never been away. I guess that’s a good thing though. It’s amazing how quickly everything comes back to you. Going back to work isn’t my feel good moment though. Returning home from work Monday I couldn’t wait to see my boys, I spotted them through the window and got huge grins from both of them. Opening the door I’m greeted by a little voice shouting ‘Hello,’ then I hear him jumping down from the dinner table to run and give me a big cuddle. The reaction almost made being away from them worth it. The hour I get with them before bedtime, which has to include the end of dinner and bath time is sudden very precious. Many times I’ve been wishing for 6:15 to arrive so I can start the bedtime routine, but the three days I was a work the time came round too quickly. I wanted to cuddle them and play for a lot longer.
So my feel good moment is cuddles from my boys.

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awww cuddles are really the best :D can understand why they are your feel good moment :)