Friday 12 August 2011

Feel Good Friday

I’ve been slightly rubbish just lately, last week I didn’t even get my blog post up and today I’ve been beaten to it by two people. I’ve having problems with my link up tool though, so I’ve been trying to get that sorted before I post. I hope it works, if you have any problems let me know.

I went back to work this week, after nine months off I was dreading it – however after three days it feels like I have never been away. I guess that’s a good thing though. It’s amazing how quickly everything comes back to you. Going back to work isn’t my feel good moment though. Returning home from work Monday I couldn’t wait to see my boys, I spotted them through the window and got huge grins from both of them. Opening the door I’m greeted by a little voice shouting ‘Hello,’ then I hear him jumping down from the dinner table to run and give me a big cuddle. The reaction almost made being away from them worth it. The hour I get with them before bedtime, which has to include the end of dinner and bath time is sudden very precious. Many times I’ve been wishing for 6:15 to arrive so I can start the bedtime routine, but the three days I was a work the time came round too quickly. I wanted to cuddle them and play for a lot longer.

So my feel good moment is cuddles from my boys.

Feel Good Friday

Wondering what 'Feel Good Friday' is all about, take a look at the original post

1 comment:

  1. awww cuddles are really the best :D can understand why they are your feel good moment :)
