Tuesday 23 August 2011

A letter to my nine month old..

Dear Squidlette,

You're nine months old today, I can hardly believe it. I know everyone says it but in all honestly it feels like just the other week that you rushed into the world. We've laughed and cried together and I've loved every minute of it. Well maybe not all the sleepless nights but I wouldn't change you for the world. Although if you want to celebrate being nine months by sleeping through mummy wouldn't mind at all.

Look how you've grown...

30 minutes old

1 Month old

2 Months old - Happy Chap

3 Months old - Tummy Time

4 Months old - Out for dinner

5 Months old - Enjoying the sun

6 Months old - getting too big

7 Months old - Playing outside

8 Months old - Where did my baby go?

I love you big cheeky grin, and how you have the biggest giggles for your brother.
I love how you rub your ear when you’re tired and how your favourite place to sleep is in mummy’s arms.
I love watching you learn, watching you climb and get into mischief.
I love how you always want to come back to mummy after cuddles with anyone else.
I love watching you play with your big brother, I can see how much you adore him and he adores you.

I love everything that you are and everything that you do.

I miss you when we're not together; coming home after work is my favourite time of the day. Seeing your little face light up when you see me.

Love you forever


  1. awwwwww thats soooo gorgeous and lovely. Bless ya for loving your gorgeous little man so much.
    I can't believe either that it's nine months ago that you got him. told ya I still have the text from that day :p
    I am thankful that you made me his godmother, cause he is sooo gorgeous and cute :D

  2. Thank you for being his God Mummy :D You make a wonderful one!

  3. awww too kind of you :) I am trying my bestest :)

  4. Frankee Breakenridge24 August 2011 at 08:51

    awwwww I got all teary at my desk damnit - I'll soon learn sneaky blog reading at work is no good! lol

    bless Him, he is gorgeous, and time just flys! 9 months old. wow

  5. hello, found your lovely blog through net mums.
    such a lovely post and adorable pics. i have twin girls that are coming up to eight months (and two older kiddos) and i feel like the time has flown by, i keep a journal so i dont forget a thing though.
    nikki xo (www.lovenikkih.com)
