Sunday 4 January 2015

New year, New...

. Blah! I am not into that stuff this year. I would like to promise I will blog more, that I will do more crafts, that I’ll clean my house more. All of those things but I am not going to.

Life is a bit of a mess at the moment, but I spend most waking hours and most of my sleeping ones worrying, thinking and stressing about it so I don't want to blog about it as well.

This needs to be something more positive, I need things in my life that I do for ME. That I do because I enjoy them, because they distract me. I have just paid for an online writing course as a start to this. I love writing, or at least I used too. Life got in the way and I lost my passion for it but I want to get it back.

Writing my blog again would be a good start on my writing journey, but I feel lost as to what I should even blog about. Or if anyone would be interested in reading what I have to say anyway. My main focus was on my life and me children, but I don't think I want that to be the focus any more. If I even decide to write again.

At one point I was toying over the idea or attempting a beauty related blog. I am not the best girl around though so I am not sure if I would be that good at it. Wouldn't hurt to try some posts though I guess?

Does anyone care to read? It has been about 16 months since I last blogged. Does anyone have any idea of what areas I could explore?

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