Thursday 20 January 2011

Baby Riley

I just love watching my baby, if I had the time I'd sit and watch him for hours. He's a really content little boy, happy to lie on his playmat or sit in his swing.

He's really interactive now and gives me big smiles and coos when I talk to him. I love how his little eyes follow me when I walk past. Everyone keeps telling me he's a mummys boy and it annoyes me nearly as much as the 'he's so big' comments. He's 8 weeks olds is it really a bad thing that he's a mummys's boy? Surely its a good thing that his mummy makes him feel so relaxed and safe. I feed him, I change him, I bath him... he spends more time with me than with anyone else in the world of course he's going to want to be with me.

It amazes me how different he is to Joshua, they are both smiley little boys but Riley is more content to be left alone. Perhaps its because he doesn't have colic like Joshua had. We used to have to rock Joshua to sleep, he always slept better cradled in someone's arms. Riley has self settled from day 1, he's currently just fallen asleep on his play mat. He goes to.bed much later than Joshua did, but after his bath, massage and feed he goes in his basket. Coos and wriggles for a bit before drifting to sleep. It's one thing I pray he keeps up, as much as I love sleepy cuddles it would be a.nightmare to go through what we went with Joshua. He's never going to have our undivided attention like Joshua did. It's the reason I've started to schedule mummy time and daddy time for both of them. One hour a week they get time with just one of us, its nice for them and its nice us to. I love being able to give them my undivided attention for that time.

1 comment:

  1. awww that sounds sooo lovely and makes me want to have a baby too.
    And it's nice to hear that they are different in a way, means it still is an adventure and you won't just relive the same moments you had with Joshua already.

    And the mummy timme and daddy time was a good idea.
