Sunday 23 January 2011

Yummy Mummy

No not me, the most amazing changing bags I have ever seen. I was just browsing the internet thinking I'd like a prettier bag, not that there is anything wrong with the free boots changing bag we have. It's just boring.

Anyway I came across these bags by accident and it was love at first site. Just look at them.

This one is my favourite >>

I tried to convince the hubby that he needs to buy me one, but he's not having any of it. Changing bags double up as a handbag for me these days and I would use it everytime we went out for the next couple of years. My arguements didn't convince him though, Mr Sensible! To be fair we have much more important things to spend £70 on than a pretty changing bag.

A girl can dream hey?!

If you want to look at them do so at Pink Lining


  1. They're stupidly expensive aren't they? Very cute though!
    Mine was like £5 on ebay and it's not beautiful but hopefully it'll do!

  2. Mine was a free one from boots that EVERYONE has - well every other person anyway. I'll add it to the when I win the lottery list. x

  3. Keep checking they may come up on ebay and/or be reduced one day ;) xx

  4. Mine was a free one from boots that EVERYONE has - well every other person anyway. I'll add it to the when I win the lottery list. x
