Monday 18 April 2011

Magical Sounds

Last week we got our first proper giggles, he’s been gurgling type giggles and squeals of joy but there was no doubting these were giggles.

As soon as he started I wanted to join in, baby giggles are my favourite sound. No matter how rubbish or miserable I am feeling, baby giggles are guaranteed to put a smile back on my face.

We’d been out, where escapes me but when we returned I left R asleep in his car seat. The second he woke up J grabbed a toy and pounced, jumping up and down and waving the toy around resulting in the cutest giggles from R.

I managed to capture a small video...what did we ever do before mobile phones with cameras?

I wish the sound could be bottled to open whenever I need a pick me up. Sorry the video is the wrong way up!

1 comment:

  1. awwwww that is so cute from both J and R. lovely watching it and thanks for sharing xx
