I have still had to work, so I don't get to enjoy a full week with the boys (they'd probably drive me mad if I did), but we do get to enjoy more time together than during term time. It has been perfect timing for us and very much needed. I've been guilty of spending next to no quality time with them this past month or so, the house move took over completely.
It has been a good week and we've managed to fit in some fun things that we wouldn't normally do.
My friend invited us along to a pancake party that was being held in a local church. I was surprised to find out that it was free, I expected once I was inside to pay for drinks and such but there was merely a few donation pots.
The children got to enjoy a bouncy castle, playdoh and crafts. We came home with a cow (which was far to tricky for them), a paper plate chicken and a pretty cross made from lolly pop sticks. There was also pancakes, and although we had to queue for a while we all managed to enjoy one. My friend and I enjoyed a much needed coffee and the children had a squash. I couldn't believe it was all entirely free, and unsurprisingly it was very busy. I'd have happily paid for the pancakes and coffees or a small entrance fee. I will definitely be on the look out for more events like these in the holidays.
Thursday we attended an indoor seaside day. This cost £1 and there was lots inside to entertain the children for the full two hours. A bouncy castle which was very well organised, with children of similar sizes being let on together. He even cleared it off to let my friends baby have a go with none of the older children. There was a surf board - like bucking bronto, hook a duck with prizes of chocolate, hula hoops, Punch and Judy and other entertainment. Sumo suits, face painting and a small ball pit and soft toys for the babies. There was 2 sessions and all 200 tickets sold out for both sessions, so it was very busy.
The children really enjoyed both events, and it felt like a real treat. Which it was, but these kind of things usually cost a fortune. They were impeccably well behaved and surprised me with their independence. Despite all the people they were happy to wander off and explore, queue for the things that they wanted to do and join in without any encouragement from me. They made me so proud.
Today we plan to go swimming which I don't really like at all but they love and its gets us out of the house. It's also another cheap activity as they attend swimming lessons they get free entry to the pool so it's only myself I need to pay for.
Tomorrow I'll have to catch up on some jobs unfortunately but I hope to fit in some crafts with them before they go back to school. I have a couple of ideas of things we can do.
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Monday, 9 February 2015
New Chapter
So this time last week I was absolutely exhausted after having spent the day moving into our new house. Moving is incredibly hard work, and I spent half of the day in floods of tears because it was all too much for me. I was forced into a situation that I didn't chose, forced to find a new house and begin my life again – it all became too real and I felt like I couldn't cope.
week later though and I've already personalised it a little, not much
because it takes time doesn't it? The living room has had the most
attention, with new curtains, fairy lights, cushions and little tea
light holders. Previously we had red tea lights and bits in the
lounge and I didn't want to bring these bits with me. I needed
something I had chosen myself, something that was ALL me, so I chose
purple and green. Nothing was personalised in my previous house, it
never felt like home and I am determined not to make the same mistake
this time. My house, needs to be my home, I need it to be my happy
boys got a bunk bed which they absolutely love. Bedding that they
chose themselves, little robot lights and lampshade. Little touches
that could immediately make it special for them. Yesterday we built a
cupboard and put together a third floor playroom, which is all
organised and pretty cool. They have loads of space to play, we just
need some artwork, or stickers to jazz it up a little.
have lots of ideas of things I want, colours schemes and such however
I can't do it all at once. It's not feasible or affordable. So the
small touches will have to do for now, and overtime I will get it
just how I like it.
would you recommend for pretty but cheapish pictures, I have no
pictures at all that I can put up and I definitely need some to
brighten up the walls.
after all my tears on the first day, I am slowly getting used to
being here. I have kept myself incredibly busy so there has been no
time at all where I have been thinking dwelling on it. At some point
I will just need to stop and relax. I find my own company quite hard
to be in, this is something I need to learn to change. My house,
needs to become my home and I believe in time it will and in time I
will find my own company okay and not dread the days where I don't
have plans.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Name 3 things – famous crushes as a teenager
themadhouseofcatsandbabies has come up with a good link this
week, and has made me delve back a few years to when I was a
This could be an embarrassing one, actually this is going to be an embarrassing one.
This could be an embarrassing one, actually this is going to be an embarrassing one.
Peter Andre – I know, I know you don't have to say it. But he was
all floppy air, six pack and what's a teenage girl meant to do. I had
a giant poster of his on my wall.
Lee from 911 – gosh what was his surname? Brennan. I remember
having a poster of him on my wall, and it falling down one night and
scaring the hell out of me.
Shane Filan – You know the dashingly handsome one from Westlife.
This teenage crush however didn't go away. I still think he's
absolutely gorgeous now. There is just something about him that even
as a fully grown adult makes me swoon.
Seems like I like fresh faced, floppy hair boys . I
would like to hope my tastes have improved over the years, but I
can't promise they have. Although I definitely go for a manlier look these days.
The English Language
always known it to be completely confusing and wondered how people
every manage to learn it. It has become more apparent recently
entering year 1, J has been getting spellings weekly and most of them
are words you just have to know. I can't explain why they are spelt
the way they are. Those phonics they teach feel useless too, as half
of the words can't be sounded out.
past couple of weeks have been particularly confusing.
few weeks we have had words such as; coin, join, foil and soil. I
explained to him this is an OI sound and which letters to use. This
week he has got Toy, Boy etc. and when I asked him to spell them he
wrote 'boiy' 'toiy', so remember what he had previously learnt about
the sound. Only for me to confuse matters by explaining its the same sound
but different letters.
examples are:
paid, stay. They all have the A sound but are spelt differently. How is a five year old meant to get their heads around that? How did we ever get ours around it? I sometimes wonder how we just know how to spell such words.
anyone have any tips on how I can help him understand? I'm finding it
incredibly hard to help him in a way he can understand. I know that
he does the test and the words are gone from his mind almost
instantly as he is so intent on learning the next batch.
1 homework and it's already causing me stress, what will it be like
next year when I have two of them coming out with homework.
Sunday, 25 January 2015
My Makeup Bag
my packing this morning I emptied the contents of my makeup bag onto
the floor. Half of the stuff I never use and I looked at it and
thought this needs a serious overhaul. This was the contents.
So what are you must have makeup items and why? I would love to hear about them, so I can look into them and see if they may suit me.
I had a little sort out and now I only have stuff in my bag that I
use, not all of it I use daily but most of it I do.
a look at what is inside.
favourite item without a doubt is my urban palette. I am not a big
spender on makeup, as I was never sure the expense was justified.
However in an impulse moment I ordered the Naked palette and I
haven't regretted it for one second. At almost £40, I managed to
justify it by breaking down what each colour was worth. I have used
it almost daily since it arrived, both for daytime wear and evening
wear. Since owning the palette I have started blending, I never used
to use different colours or shades but I am now a lover of the
different effects you can create. It was worth every penny and I will
buy it again when mine runs out, which wont be for ages.
ventured into boots a few months ago and into the No 7 range, I was
baffled by the number of foundations. I had already decided to change
as I wasn't loving my previous foundation and decided to get the
colour match done. It was so easy and took the hassle out of choosing
the right shade. They also tested the foundation on my skin to make
sure I was happy before I made my purchase. I opted for the stay
perfect foundation, as I never touch my makeup up throughout
the day. This is the first time I've ever used one of the counters,
they are not exactly common place in our small town but I will
definably be doing it in the future.
I am using a Barry M mascara, purely because it came free when I
purchased some nail varnishes. If I am honest I don't love it, I have
tested many different mascaras and haven't found one I completely
love yet. Maybe I need to venture into the next price bracket? What
are your favourite mascaras?
year I plan to gradually improve my makeup and skincare, by buying a
few decent key pieces. I hear primer is good, I didn't even know what
it was until recently. This is something I will be considering as a
purchase in the future.
So what are you must have makeup items and why? I would love to hear about them, so I can look into them and see if they may suit me.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Frame it Friday
For me the choice is
obvious this week. My Frame it Friday (yes I know it's now Sunday) is
getting the amazing news of securing a house.
After months of stress, tears and frustration I was at the point where I feared we'd be homeless. It had got to such a scary place for me that when my ex husband offered us to go and stay with him if worst came to it; I seriously considering it. That is how desperate I felt.
However I viewed a property a week last Wednesday and received a call first thing Saturday morning telling me my application had been successful and the landlord had chosen me over the other applicants.
The house is gorgeous and quirky. Three floors and lots of steps throughout, there is something about steps in houses that I just love. Since getting the good news I have been frantically packing as I move two weeks tomorrow and I am away for the weekend prior to the move. Bunk beds have been ordered ad received, new bedding and lamp shades for the boys have been purchased. Then today I purchased myself a gorgeous lamp for my bedroom.
My mind is constantly racing with ideas of what I want to do and buy, my colour schemes have been chosen and I can't wait to get in there and make is MY home. Where I am now was never made into a home and I am not making that mistake again.
New chapter of my
life is about to begin and I'm going to make sure its a good one.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
am starting my new course very soon, module one is sat in my inbox
waiting for me to get started. This led me to dreaming about pretty
new stationary. I do love a pretty notebook, I rarely buy them as
they end up sitting around untouched or with only a few pages every
ventured over to paperchase online for
some inspiration – a very dangerous move because immediately I fell
in love with a notebook. It's a linen cover, with beautiful
butterflies adorning it. I have a slight addiction to butterflies.
a good job my purse was not within reaching distance as this notebook
wasn't the only one I fell in love with. I almost tried to justify
needing a cute mini notebook with an owl, a spiral bound notebook and
the butterfly one. I could have a different notebook for every
occasion. Of course I'd have added some pretty pens to my basket as
well and before I know it I'd have spent a fortune.
I can't justify £10 + P&P for a pretty notebook. I am going to
have to settle for a cheaper one from one of the supermarkets. Which
ultimately will do the same thing, allow me to scribble down my
thoughts and idea and thats what is most important.
Monday, 5 January 2015
Name Three Things
posting yesterday I received a suggestion from @MsSBurns that joining
some linky's might be a good way to get myself back into the habit of
writing again. She then pointed me in the direction of The Mad Houseof Cats & Babies.

theme this week is three songs that make you happy..
Adams – Summer of 69
because it's one of my favourite ever songs, and takes me back to my
teenage years where the only worry I had in life was having fun.
Murs – Oh My Goodness
to make me smile. It reminds me of someone special and despite
everything that has happened it still manages to put a smile on my
Easy Way – Westlife
had to appear in here somewhere, they were part of my life for 14
years. I have made some amazing friends through them and they are
still part of my life even now Westlife are no more. This song is
light hearted and fun and makes me want to have a little dance. “Why
don't we grow a tree?”
are three songs that make you happy? Why not join in here.
Sunday, 4 January 2015
New year, New...
…. Blah! I am not into that stuff this year. I would like to promise I will blog more, that I will do more crafts, that I’ll clean my house more. All of those things but I am not going to.
Life is a bit of a mess at the moment, but I spend most waking hours and most of my sleeping ones worrying, thinking and stressing about it so I don't want to blog about it as well.
This needs to be something more positive, I need things in my life that I do for ME. That I do because I enjoy them, because they distract me. I have just paid for an online writing course as a start to this. I love writing, or at least I used too. Life got in the way and I lost my passion for it but I want to get it back.
my blog again would be a good start on my writing journey, but I feel
lost as to what I should even blog about. Or if anyone would be
interested in reading what I have to say anyway. My main focus was on
my life and me children, but I don't think I want that to be the
focus any more. If I even decide to write again.
At one point I was toying over the idea or attempting a beauty related blog. I am not the best girl around though so I am not sure if I would be that good at it. Wouldn't hurt to try some posts though I guess?
anyone care to read? It has been about 16 months since I last
blogged. Does anyone have any idea of what areas I could explore?
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