However my best friend since forever – well since we were about seven has returned from Canada. She has been over there for nearly four years, but is back for a year. Not properly back unfortunately, as they are going to be living in Wales. Wales is million times closer than Canada though, so it’s very exciting. I last saw her at Christmas when they came back for a holiday and seeing her and then her leaving makes you realise all over again how important they are. I’ve seen her twice since she came back on Monday and it’s been wonderful. It’s never awkward; she just slots straight back into our lives. Although J is a bit wary of her, but he’ll soon warm to her I’m sure. I’m so glad to have her back in the same time zone, even if it’s only going to be for a short while.
Also I lost 1lb this week, that’s 3lb in the last two weeks. I’m getting closer and closer to my target weight and having the ideal BMI for the first time in a very very long time.

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Awwww wow, I bet you're loving every minute!