Thursday, 23 December 2010
Germs, germs, germs...
As you know from my last blog and endless updates on Twitter and facebook my toddler has been really poorly. We thought he was getting over it last week when he ate but it took a few more days for him to be back to himself. Even now coming up to two weeks later he's not 100%.
Baby has a small cold now, he started sounded all snuffly with a blocked nose and then he got a temperature. Which made me worry; I couldn't have him getting as ill as his brother. Coughing followed so I decided to give NHS direct a quick call. They agree it sounded like a cold but because he's only four weeks old they advised me to take him to see our GP.
We managed to get an appointment that evening, which in itself was a pain in the neck. He wasn't yet registered which is a joke since they have sent me his appointment for his 6week check up. Anyway the stupid receptionist told me I should have registered him the day before I wanted the appointment. Well sorry for not being able to see into the future and knowing I'd need it.
Anyway off we went and I got to see a lovely Irish doctor. He did all the checks. Temperature was raised, breathing was too fast then he fetched a nurse to bring a machine to check oxygen levels. Next thing I know he's telling me to go to children’s A&E. What? Why? Is he okay? A million questions I couldn't even manage to ask floating around my head. I half listened as they told me where to go and to get someone to meet me there. Then he considered getting us an ambulance but decided it'd be faster for me to just go straight there. Ambulance and talking’s of the possibility of him being kept in scared me to death. Resulting in me crying at the lovely doctor. He redressed Riley, walked me out making sure I was okay.
Quick call to the hubby and my sister, who said she'd bring hubby to me and let my parents know. Luckily Joshua was with them.
Over Three and a half hours after arriving, a normal doctor and a senior consultant we are discharged. It was just a cold. I was majorly relieved, colds I can handle. Oh and an eye infection which is clearing up already but it's a two man job trying to get the ointment in his eyes.
Hubby is also ill, I had a runny nose for a few days but got away lucky. Just as well as it's not possible to sit and feel sorry for myself.
My Christmas wish is that we enter the new year as a healthy germ free
family. Wishing for it for Christmas is to tall an order.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Cheese spread makes me happy
It's been a rough week, visit to doctors, endless snot (which he likes to wipe on my clothes...eww), calpol which he started to refuse. Can't blame him medicine everyday isn't pleasant even if it is strawberry flavoured. He's slept and slept and slept some more. Crashing out on me, the sofa, in his high chair and even on the laminate floor. You've gotta be shattered to sleep on a hard floor, but sleep is good and now finally after 5 really bad days he seems to be picking up. Not without sharing his germs with me first though.
It's the first time he's been properly poorly like this. He's had sniffles and been sick but nothing has knocked him like this. I'm sure I'll go through it all again endless time between the two of them.
Here's hoping we're all feeling better this time next week.
Friday, 3 December 2010
The Battle of Wills
Sleep time battles are no fun for anyone, they make the whole household tired and miserable yet there isn’t a great deal you can do about them. Other than ride them out.
I was always adamant that I wouldn’t leave my children to cry it out (CIO), I felt it was cruel and it reminded me of that advert were no one answers the babies cries. Well after trying everything else, and I mean everything else we’ve found ourselves resorting to the CIO method. Controlled crying (CC) worked so well for us in the past, we’d leave J to cry for ten minutes before going back into his room, resettling and repeating as many times as necessary. Would take roughly three nights and he’d be back self settling and sleeping through. This no longer works and if anything makes J even more worked up, his screams going up a gear after we’ve been in and left again.
Tuesday night he went to bed perfectly and we found ourselves breathing a sigh of relief, however it was short lived and a mere fifty minutes later he was awake again. We tried CC for about half an hour but realised it was never going to work. He had extra cuddles, extra stories, plenty of reassurance but nothing was working so in the end we left him to CIO. Two and half hours later there was silence and he was we assumed sleeping. We didn’t dare go back in to check – we didn’t hear from him again until morning.
Wednesday, we decided CIO was the only way to go so at 7pm after half a dozen stories we kissed him and left – cue shouting, stamping feet and banging on the door for an hour. Then silence. Phew we hoped this would be it for the night, but we were never going to be that lucky. At 12:30 and 2:30 we endured another hours worth of protesting before silence again. When 5:30 came round we could deal with it no more and into our bed he came – possibly undoing everything we’d tried to establish. But after enduring so much, as well as waking at different times to feed a newborn I was shattered.
Thursday, he fell asleep mid story but we weren’t hopeful that it could stay that way. So when he woke an hour later we feared the worst, however off we went tucked him back in and he went straight back to sleep. I even managed to creep into his room at 10pm to get some nappies for the baby because stupidly I’d forgotten to get some before I put him to bed and J didn’t even stir. This was too good to be true right? Correct at just gone midnight, when we’d finally managed to settle a windy baby he woke. 45 minutes later and there was silence and we could finally try and get some sleep. 3am we hear him again, but both shattered we didn’t have the energy to go and put him back in his bed so we didn’t and ten minutes later there was silence and we didn’t hear from him again until 7:20.
So I can see the improvement, it makes me feel better about letting him CIO. It breaks my heart but he’s mostly not even crying, because there are rarely any real tears. Here is hoping that tonight there will be improvement again.
Naptimes on the other hand, I don’t even know where to begin. Yesterday we didn’t even try and have one as we were out that that was never going to happen and he was fine without. Today he was showing definite tired signs so as normal daddy takes him for his nap. Always daddy he never naps for hour later we give in and bring him down. How long do you let them CIO for at nap times? I have no clue. I think some google reading is required.
So there was me thinking it was going to be the newborn keeping us up all night, but it’s the toddler. Yes R wakes, but generally, wakes feeds, nappy change and he settles back down. Its tiring and bloody hard work. I’m dreading the husband returning to work already, I have no idea how I am going to cope on my own.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Welcome Riley Jackson
I’d been having contractions since late morning, but they were irregular anything from 15-25 minutes apart and not overly painful. So I just ignored them while carrying on with my day, throwing my son around and such. Trying not to get my hopes up because with Joshua I had contractions like this that then went away for 24 hours. By 4 – 4:30pm my contractions were every ten minutes apart and a lot more painful, I would have to stop what I was doing bend over and grip something while breathing through them. Once the contraction was over I was able to carry on with what I was doing so part of me doubted that this could be the real thing.
We sat down and ate dinner and by 5:15pm when Ant was deciding he had to go to work I was saying look you can’t this is happening. He called work while I rang the hospital about 5:30 and my contractions were five minutes apart. They advised me to come in so they could check me over. Ant called my parents to come and watch Joshua and twenty minutes later we were on our way to the hospital. The car journey was bloody agony, with my contractions coming every 2 -3 minutes. By the time I waddled across the car park, up a lift and along the worlds bloody longest corridor to the labour ward the contractions were coming thick and fast. I wasn’t having time to recover from them before the next arrived. No one was answering the bell on reception as stupidly they had no one manning the desk, people had been there longer than me waiting and I was getting a bit panicky.
Ant followed someone through the doors when they opened and told the midwife my contractions were coming fast and would someone come. She dismissed him and sent him back out. Finally after what seemed like a life time but in reality was probably no more then 5-10 minutes someone appeared. Right as my water broke and I yelled ‘I need to push.’
The midwife told me to follow her and I honestly didn’t think I could walk, she got me in a wheel chair and rushed me to a delivery suite and told me to take my trousers off and get on the bed. I swear she wants to bloody try climbing onto a bed while your body is screaming at you to push. Somehow I managed it and by the time I had the head was half the way out, the midwife then preceded to make me stop pushing, I have no idea why but I told her after that was she mean. The head was then out, and again I had to stop pushing. The cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck – she didn’t tell me this till afterwards thankfully or I would have panicked. Before I had pushed his body out he was crying which is the MOST amazing sound. She scooped him up and plonked him onto my tummy and I was so relieved.
I have no clue of times, neither does the midwife really but there was no more than ten minutes between my waters breaking and Riley being placed in my arms. Little squid didn’t hang around that’s for sure.
I lay there feeding him thinking, wow that was fast and scary and I realised I actually panicked and thought I was going to give birth in reception in front of a room full of people.
Unfortunately the next stage wasn’t so simple, even with the injection to help speed up the delivery of my placenta didn’t want to make an appearance. Crazy that I managed to deliver a baby with no pain relief but needed gas and air for the placenta. To be honest I think part of the reason they gave it to me was to calm me down. My entire body was shaking, shock I think. An hour later and lots of poking around by the midwife, (child birth really isn’t glamorous) and my placenta still hadn’t arrived. So in comes a doctor to take a look, and they are talking about trying something to help.
Injecting whatever is in the injection into the cord. I think all that talk scared my placenta and an hour and ten minutes later it made an appearance.
Finally it’s time to focus on Riley again, who’s been wrapped in blankets and placed in his cot. They weigh him and get him dressed, but he’s really cold. He’s given a warming mattress once I’m taking to the ward and this is left on all night. Meaning even if it was possible to sleep on a ward with crying babies, and a woman moaning she was in pain there was no way I was going to be able to anyway as I was so worried he’d not warm up enough, or he’d get to warm with the mattress that I had to keep checking he was okay.
Thankfully when they took his temperature again in the morning it was fine, so they turned off the mattress and checked again an hour later and he was fine. So we were discharged at lunch time.
Things have been going brilliantly at home, breastfeeding is going well and doesn’t seem as hard this time around. The first few days were, but once my milk came in baby became more enthusiastic and is now feeding about every two hours.
Midwife came out today to weigh him and he’s 6lb 15oz, so he’s barely lost anything... makes me a very happy Mummy.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Happy Due Date...
So my countdown is finished... Time to begin a new count. Counting the days I go over, except of course if by some miracle I actually go into labour later today.
So come on everyone give me your predicitions... Humour me and help me pass the time :-)
Ant predicts Sunday night so 1 day.
I predict Tuesday so 3 days.
What about you lot... The winner gets, well I dunno, the satisfication of being psychic or something.
Monday, 15 November 2010
He'll make his appearance when he's good and ready but there is no harm in hoping he comes a little early is there? Other than driving myself mad wondering if everything could mean it's a sign.
Not that I've had any signs, the only way I feel at the moment is completely and utterly exhausted. I had an hour nap the other day, then snuggled in bed with my little man for another hour while he continued to sleep. I even dropped off this afternoon while little un was napping. My body is obviously telling me to keep it rested for when 'B' day arrives.
I'm going to have to start trying all the old wives tales soon. I'm not drinking raspberry leaf tea though it's gross. Fresh pineapple and curry I can handle. I'm even willing to go on a nice long walk... If the weather ever improves slightly otherwise I'm continuing to hibernate. I considered a walk today but the frost put me off, maybe tomorrow. Sex is meant to be a good one but I think i'll avoid that one until I'm overdue and completely losing my mind. Haha! Being the size of a whale and it being an effort to even move is hardly sexy is it?
I have the midwife on Thursday morning and I keep hoping I won't make the appointment but I am starting to fear I'll go over due.
So little squid Mummy, Daddy and your baby brother would love to meet you soon. In the next few days preferably.. Lots of other people would like to meet you to but I won't tell you about them incase you get shy and decide to stay put longer.
Although tonight might not be the best time since hubby is at work till 2am and his phone is sat here next to me. Muppet!!
Oh and just so you know the question 'have you had him yet?' drives me mad.
Yes I've had him, come home from hospital and not told anyone. Honestly!
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Oh so glam...
My little boy was poorly sick last night for the first time, impressive considering he's 17months next weekend. Obviously we had some milky sick but that was just because he was a piggy.
I actually feel incrediably guilty because I have no idea when he was sick or how many times before I found him. The only reason I knew he was awake was because I heard him moving around his bedroom - poking my head around his door the smell hit me immediately. Joshua was searching for his dummy and trying to climb back into bed. Scooping him up he was shaking, so quickly I stripped off his nightclothes and got him in some fresh ones, giving lots of cuddles to warm him up. He's such a soilder not a single tear, I feel like crying when I'm sick. He watched in confusion as I stripped, hosed and stuffed his bedclothes in the washer. Although on inspection this morning the sheet is heading for the bin... Blueberries stain and apparently vanish does not remove it!
Cuddling in my bed Joshua was sick again but I managed to move him and catch it in a towel before it went on my sheets. That was the end of it then thankfully. He eventually drifted back to sleep. However mummy stayed awake until daddy moved him back into his own bed just before 3am. A mixed of worry, squid making me uncomfortable and Joshua's endless wriggling meant sleep was impossible.
Thankfully he's back to his perky self this morning and so far has kept a small amount of breakfast down. Mummy on the other hand is avoiding a huge pile of ironing and dreaming of going back to bed when daddy wakes.
Hopefully it'll be at least another 17momths before we're cleaning up sick again. Ewww
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Proud Mummy Moments..
He's 16 and a half months now, and even though he's not talking he's able to understand really well. I did stress for a while that he's not talking yet after listening to my mum and sister go on about it endlessly but after talking to a few other people I realised there is nothing wrong with him.
He follows simple instructions really well. "Go find your shoes." "Go to your highchair." "find mummy your drink." he can find most things we ask for. I do it all the time with his toys to see if he can pick out the correct one and more and more often he can now.
He's started to answer us to now. He nods and shakes his head. Yes doesn't sound like yes but we know what he means and when he accompanies it with a nod of the head it's even more obvious. "do you want a bath!" is always followed with a yes and then him racing to the bathroom and throwing his toys in ready.
This morning we were lying in bed having snuggles and I asked if he wanted breakfast, he said yes and so I said "off you go then" and he jumped down off the bed and toddled away. Sooo clever.
The incident that made me want to write this post though was him being able to point out a giraffe. We had to invest in a new changing mat and the one we bought has animals on. I was trying to get Joshua to come get changed so asked him where the bird was... Which he pointed out. Followed by a monkey, elephant and then the girafe. I was so proud if not a little baffled where he'd learnt girafe but then realised it must be from the amazing book 'dear zoo' (thanks rachel - we do love it)
Every day he seems to be picking up things, tell him once and he seems to remember. Gonna have to start being careful or else one day he'll decide to talk and say 'shit!' or something.
So far we have:
And something that sounds like GO but he uses alot so we're not sure what he's trying to tell us.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
The dummy dilema...
Some people agree with using them and some people are very against them. Before I was a parent I didn't have any strong feelings other than that my child wouldn't have one once they were walking. In realitly it's a whole different board game. Joshua has been walking since before he was 11months so he was still a baby. Even now at 16months he's still small enough to get away with it. He'll certainaly
not have it by the time he's at school lol!!
I think Joshua was about a month old before we gave him a dummy, he'd never really needed one and I was worried it would interfer with breastfeeding. However as a sufferer of colic I had to find something to soothe him. I'd gotten to the point where I couldn't take being used as a dummy for hours on end any longer. Where i wanted to pass him to daddy so i could take ten minutes to myself. We actually tried
3 types of dummies before we found one he'd take and well he's had one since.
Part of me wonders if we should have taken them away when he was still a little baby... But they were and still are actually a sleep aid and we dreaded trying to get him to sleep without his dummy.
Joshua would have a dummy in his mouth all day every day given half the chance. Generally out of sight out of mind though, but sometimes he just whines and whinges and points to where we sometimes put them and he will continue to whine until we give in. It's really hard to stand your ground when he's upset. Added to the fact he has a tooth coming through, so I feel rotten if I take his comfort away from him. You wouldn't take a comfort toy/blanket away at this age so I feel maybe we shouldn't remove his dummy.
One part of my though wants to hunt them all out and throw them all in the bin.. Face a battle for a week or however long it will take him to forget about them, but then we'd be free. A nightmare week this close to squid being due doesn't seem fun in the slightest, certainly not if it affects his sleep. I'm stocking up and banking some hours sleep now in prepartion I don't want two babies not sleeping when one of them is easily recified. Another problem we could face is that if we remove joshuas dummies and squid had a dummy then he'll just steal the babies.
He's not really old enough to understand 'your a big boy, only babies need dummies'. He's still my baby, he's not even a year and a half old yet. The solution I'm swaying towards at the moment is letting him carry on using them.. With monitored use. He's not allowed them all day no matter how much he whines. Then once he's old enough we get rid of them together. Leave them for Santa to take away for the new
babies. Leave them for the faires at the bottom of the garden.. Who will leave a present in exchange of them. Take them to the zoo and leave them for the baby monkeys. Or simply just get him to throw them in the bin. He'll probably still ask for them but least I can remind him what we've done.
Saying that he has actually gone to bed tonight with out a dummy, he didn't ask for one. He drank his milk then snuggled down to go to sleep, so I gave him his kiss and left. havent heard from him since but it's only been 30 minutes. Knowing Joshua though he had a secret dummy hidden in his bed and is up there sucking away on it now.
Anyone got any advice or experience?
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Tried and Tested
I got there in the end, joshua nicely strapped in and ready for our walk. He looked really comfy and I think he preferred it to our petite star. Purely because he was sat more upright and had a good view of the world. He didn't moan once... But it was only the first outing. So time will tell.
It is much heavier than the petie star but then it wad always going to be. Yet it was very easy to push and steer... I just need to get used to it being a bit wider. Stupid wilko's and there narrow tills... Had to wait in the biggest queue cos it had the only till we'd fit thru. Soo glad we didn't opt for a side by side double pushchair or we'd have been completely screwed.
I didn't find a fault with it on this occasion but I've not had to put the raincover on yet... They always seem to baffle me a little. Maybe I'm just not smart enough for pushchairs or something!!
Looking forward to trying it out when squid makes his appearance and I can pop both my little men in it. I'm so never going into town via the road with the hill once I'm pushing them both... I fear it would actually kill me. Although it would be a good workout, perhaps if I walk up a hill every day I'll actually manage to shed some of my baby weight. Who am I kidding? I'm never gonna get back to a size I'm happy with!
Whoops I went a little of track there... But to recap I'm very happy with my purchase. Just desperately trying to sell my graco pushchair and failing. We really don't need three.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Reading List
1. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
3. His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman
4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling
6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
8. Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell
10. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
11. Catch-22, Joseph Heller
12. Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
13. Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks
14. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
15. The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger
16. The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame
17. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
18. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
19. Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres
20. War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
21. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell
22. Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowling
23. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling
24. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling
25. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien
26. Tess Of The D'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy
27. Middlemarch, George Eliot
28. A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving
29. The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck
31. The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson
32. One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez
33. The Pillars Of The Earth, Ken Follett
34. David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
36. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
37. A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute
38. Persuasion, Jane Austen
39. Dune, Frank Herbert
40. Emma, Jane Austen
41. Anne Of Green Gables, LM Montgomery
42. Watership Down, Richard Adams
43. The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald
44. The Count Of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas
45. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
46. Animal Farm, George Orwell
48. Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
49. Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian
50. The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher
51. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
53. The Stand, Stephen King
54. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
55. A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth
57. Swallows And Amazons, Arthur Ransome
58. Black Beauty, Anna Sewell
59. Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer
60. Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
61. Noughts And Crosses, Malorie Blackman
62. Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden
63. A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
64. The Thorn Birds, Colleen McCollough
65. Mort, Terry Pratchett
67. The Magus, John Fowles
68. Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
69. Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett
71. Perfume, Patrick Süskind
72. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell
73. Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
76. The Secret History, Donna Tartt
77. The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins
78. Ulysses, James Joyce
79. Bleak House, Charles Dickens
80. Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson
82. I Capture The Castle, Dodie Smith
83. Holes, Louis Sachar
84. Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake
85. The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy
86. Vicky Angel, Jacqueline Wilson
87. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
88. Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons
89. Magician, Raymond E Feist
90. On The Road, Jack Kerouac
91. The Godfather, Mario Puzo
92. The Clan Of The Cave Bear, Jean M Auel
93. The Colour Of Magic, Terry Pratchett
94. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
95. Katherine, Anya Seton
96. Kane And Abel, Jeffrey Archer
97. Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez
98. Girls In Love, Jacqueline Wilson
99. The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot
100. Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie
Friday, 29 October 2010
Too long..
I finished work today which was a great feeling, I like my job and I love where I work but I’d had enough. I do wonder how I survived working a full day for this long last time... I’ve only been there for 4 hours and I always end up with back ache. Not quite sure that it has sunk in yet though, probably will Monday when I’m still in my pj’s and not having to go to work. Work threw me a little baby shower at the end of last week, which was totally sweet of them. Got some gorgeous little clothes as well as a couple of packs of nappies. Which are always more than appreciated. It was wonderful to get some more little boys outfits, as most of the tiny baby stuff we have is neutral.
Not being at work though means I can get all those little jobs done that I need... or should that be want to do. Top of the list is to finish packing my hospital bag. I think I’m nesting... it’s a strange feeling, I don’t think I ever really got the nesting instinct when I was pregnant last time. Sleeping, and lounging on the sofa was way more appealing than scrubbing the bathroom tiles, or sorting through cupboards or something as equally insane. I’ve a list of things I want to do:
• Finish the baby washing and ironing
• Sort the cupboard out in Joshua’s room
• Bake ...bake ...bake
• Cook some dinners and freeze them
• Give every room in the house a good clean, including all the horrid jobs like the oven
Wonder how much of it I will actually do, between all the normal things and trying to spend as much quality time as I can with my baby before Squid arrives.
That’ll do for today and hopefully I will start blogging more often and find more interesting things to blog about.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Settling for Apple...
So I decided to have a look at the Phil and Teds a pushchair I’d originally dismissed without much thought – I didn’t like where I thought the baby would lie.
So we asked a store assistant to give us a demonstration and turns out I’d imagined it all wrong. Doesn’t do everything I liked in the pear, but it’s actually a really good pushchair.
So I didn’t get a pear, we ended up coming home with a Phil and Teds sport in Apple green. The colour might not be to everyone’s taste but I love it – it’s funky.
It’s a 4 in 1 pushchair:
• Newborn
• Toddler
• Newborn and toddler
• Two toddlers

What do you think? Anyone got one?
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Baby Names
It’s such a responsibility, and what it you chose a name you love now but might not love quite so much in a few years. Names come in and out of fashion incredibly quickly these days. You need to make sure the name works with the surname. That the initials don’t spell out something awful which would result in teasing. Although with our surname the kids are going to get teased any way – which makes all the more reason for choosing something sensible for the first name. Considering the shortened versions of names if equally important – we never shorten Joshua. We don’t like calling him Josh... thats not his name, so we don’t do it. But fact is as soon as he goes to school his friends will shorten his name. I like the name William but would hate for it to be shortened to Willy, which kids would no doubt come up with. Willy Allcock...can you imagine. Poor child, I could never inflict that on him.
I want to discuss names with people, but we’ve decided this time that we are not telling anyone if we decide on a name – or even what our options could be. Everyone already knows we are having a boy so we want to keep something a surprise. People are too opinionated on names – people have no issues in saying ‘Oh I hate that name’ to a name you really like. Honestly do they not realise how insensitive that is. However if they don’t find out the name till the baby is born, they will keep their opinions to themselves.
Do you choose a traditional name.
A common name.
Something unusually.
Something completely wacky.
You have to consider how the name sounds on a baby and if it’s a name that can make the transition into a sensible adult’s name. Some names take ‘daisy’ for example it is completely adorable for a little girl, but not a name I find I can take serious when an adult introduces themselves as daisy.
You could always take a leaf out of Victoria and David Beckham’s book and name your child after the place they were conceived but you could end up with something completely ridiculous like ‘Leamington.’ Not really a baby name is it?
Alternatively take a leaf out of Katie Price and Peter Andres book who names their daughter 'Princess Tiaamii.' I could name my son 'Prince Charming' or something utterly ridiculous. Imagine the looks I would get when people asked his name, could be worth doing it just for the responses I’d get.
I could make up a name, chances are my son would never meet another person with the same name but he would always be faced with responses like ‘How unusual’ and ‘How do you spell it?’ One option is spelling our surname backwards which just doesn’t work but spelling my maiden name backwards does. So another option is ‘Sirron.’ What do you think? Or I could take part of my name and part of Anthony’s name and create something like ‘Luthony’ or ‘Anucy’.
I guess I just need to go back and bury my head in my baby name book and hope somewhere in the next 14 weeks we manage to come up with something we love. If you have any super amazing suggestions feel free to pass them this way.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Time flies...
Do you remember as a child when you were waiting for a birthday or Christmas it seemed to take forever? Now the years are passing me by two quickly. I’m having a bit of a panic, just less than 13 weeks left at work that makes it sounds even closer until squid is due. I have nothing ready; I have no little lists telling me what I need. No idea who’s going to look after Joshua when I’m in hospital....who can I call in the middle of the night to say come on over please? There’s so much to think about, granted I don’t need as much stuff as I did the first time but at least then I knew I needed everything – now I’m not quite sure. I got as far as putting Joshua’s clothes in bags according to size. But honestly I can’t bear the thought of taking them out, washing them, drying them, ironing them and sorting them out to see if there is anything we need. Having a winter baby this time there is going to be some things. It’s weird cos last time I somehow enjoyed the tedious task of washing and ironing, maybe it’s because I didn’t know how much time I was going to spend washing over the next year. My ironing pile is never ending, I just don’t want to be adding to it...if I live in denial I might be safe.
Somewhere in the next 14 and a bit weeks (providing squid doesn’t show up early) I need to organise everything I need for the new baby, make plans for Joshua, buy him a present from squid, buy squid a present from Joshua and do ALL my Christmas shopping. There is no way I’m dragging a 17 month old and a new born around busy crowded shops – not in a million years. Somehow I need to fit this in around looking after Joshua, working, and the million and one other jobs I have to do in the house anyway. Fourteen weeks sounds ages, but it only seems five minutes ago it was 20 weeks and I decided it was time to slowly start sorting things... yet 6 weeks later and I still haven’t done anything.
I keep hoping for some energy to come back to give me the motivation to get on with things, but I may have to stop hoping for that soon and just do it... cos those fairies are just not going to show up and do it for me I don’t think.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Bucket List
1. Walk on snow barefoot
2. Do a parachute jump
3. Go skiing
4. Go to Paris
5. Get to 8 stone
6. Write a letter to my friends/loved ones to tell them how much I love them
7. Get a short story published
8. Ride in a helicopter
9. Go camping
10. Learn to dance
11. Take my children to Disney land
12. Watch all Johnny Depp films
13. Ride in a hot air balloon
14. Fly a kite
15. Ride in a limo
16. Donate Blood
17. Find my dream job
18. Eat Strawberries and drink champagne while watching the sunset somewhere romantic
19. Inspire my children
20. Go to a German Christmas market (in Germany)
21. Complete a cross stitch
22. Toast marshmellows on a beach fire
23. Visit Venice and ride in a gondola
24. Kiss passionately in the rain
25. Bake homemade bread
26. Learn hello in 10 languages
27. Go on an upside down rollercoaster
28. Ride an elephant
29. Move to a house with 3 bedrooms
30. Make scrapbooks for my children
31. Complete the BBC's Big Read - 100 Books
32. Go rock climbing
33. Learn how to play chess
34. Learn to say no without feeling guilty
35. Sleep in a castle
36. Visit 20 capital cities
37. Attend an Ireland Six nations game
38. Try Caviar
39. Learn to decorate cakes
40. See the Mona Lisa
41. Eat ice cream in Rome
42. Travel first class
43. Put up wallpaper
44. Visit new Zealand
45. Visit Canada
47. Teach my children to read
48. Write a letter to my children for when they are older
49. Go to a ball
50. Drive a go Kart
51. Go paintballing
52. Celebrate my 10th anniversary
53. Jump in puddles with my children and not care how dirty we get
54. Put up a shelf
56. Spend a few days in a spa
57. Have a fish pedicure
58. Cook a Sunday dinner
59. Help design my 'perfect' kitchen
60. Have more children
61. Run a marathon
62. Live in Ireland
63. Make friends with 5 strangers
64. Be completely happy about how I look
65. Send a message in a bottle
66. Learn to horse ride
67. Visit Lapland
68. Bathe in a hot pool (Iceland)
69. Stay in a feature room at coombe abbey
70. Have afternoon tea at the ritz
71. Sleep for a solid 8 hours
72. Have a personal shopper
73. Find the 'perfect' jeans
74. Wear heels every day for a week
75. Spend a day on a barge
76. Go on a cruise
77. Release a paper lantern
78. Go sledging
79. Drink coffee in a French café
80. Learn first aid
81. Go a month without the internet
82. Pay off my mortgage
83. Go on ghost tour/ghost hunting
84. Shower in waterfall
85. Ride a camel
86. Bake cinnamon buns
87. Meet someone famous
89. Spend a day in bed with hubby watching films and eating junk, with no one to disturb us
90. Teach my boys to ride a bike
91. Take a class
92. Be the best Mummy I can
93. Grow my nails and keep them long, so I am able to paint them pretty colours
94. Inspire someone
95. Learn to use a sewing Machine
96. Grow my own vegetables
97. Bake a different cake every month for a year
98. Own a pair of red shoes
99. Write a story for my boys
100. Ride on the back of a motorbike
Friday, 16 July 2010
Team Blue
So then she told us, you are having a boy. (Even though she said it can’t be 100%) I had a feeling it was going to be a boy and I was right. Boy or girl, blue or pink, ultimately I would have been over the moon either way. Since finding out I’m on team blue, I’m getting more and more excited – all the positives of having a boy coming to me.
I know most people wanted me to have a girl so big fat Pfft to the lot of you because I can’t change it. I already have one amazing little boy, the cutest, happiest, cheekiest little boy in the world (I’m not biased honest) and now I am going to have another. Two little boys who will light up my world, make me smile when I'm having a bad day. They might be the same; they might be different who cares. They’ll be brothers and hopefully the best of friends. They’ll only be 17 months apart, so they’ll grow up together – play together when little and drink together when they are older. Now that’s a scary thought! They can share a room for longer than if we’d have had one of each, meaning that we are not stressing over needing to buy a new house when we totally can’t afford one.
Saves us a fortune in clothes to, as we can reuse Joshua’s, although that didn’t stop me rushing out and buying a cute little outfit.
I tried to upload some pics, but I can't steal them so I will post some links instead. Okay the links won't work either, so if you really want to see you will have to copy and paste! *kicks blog*
Isn’t the cardigan so cute? All fleecey and warm inside!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Where does the time go?
In some ways it seems only two minutes ago, I can remember it all so clearly – yet on the other hand it’s impossible to remember what life was like before Joshua was in it. It’s as though he has always been there.
There has been much laughter and almost as many tears, but it’s an incredible year. Watching my baby blossom and growing. Every time he learns something new is as amazing as the first time. From his first smile, to his first step. His first year of life has had more firsts than I can count on my fingers – hopefully there will be many more firsts and many more years of happiness before he grows up and breaks his Mummy’s heart.
Soon I’ll be doing it all again, adding a new little person to our family. I sometimes wonder how you can share your love between more than one child – how can I ever feel so much love for another person as I feel for Joshua. I already know though that the love doesn’t get shared it doubles, I can already feel it. I already love both my babies with every ounce of my heart!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
To be or not to be?
I had made my mind up, we’d stay team yellow the same as we did with Joshua – the surprise was amazing. However I am so curious right now, and would love to buy squid (baby) a tiny little outfit – but I can’t find anything neutral that I like. The choice is even less than when I was shopping for Joshua, which sucks.
Ant doesn’t want to find out, but I think I can be quite persuasive when I want to be – I just don’t know if I actually want to be! How am I ever going to make my mind up? Everyone else in the entire world (well it feels like it) wants us to find out, and wants baby to be a girl. Make me feel too much pressure, if I have another little boy will people lose interest? All I care about is that I have a baby, hopefully a healthy little baby. If I have a girl fantastic, then I will have one of each and I get to buy tiny little girl outfits – pretty dresses and tights. If I have a boy then it’s also fantastic, Joshua is amazing and so a second boy would be also – would have two cheeky monkeys then :) Plus I would save myself money on clothes (which I can spend on my new addiction)
So to stay team yellow or to not? What would you do if it was you?
Friday, 11 June 2010
Cloth Bums
I actually dug out the cloth nappy I own and Joshua is wearing it right now, looking super cute I might add. I really wanted to get a picture to show you all, but my camera is fooked so no such luck. Another time perhaps.
I’ve look up all the pros and cons and have armed myself with a list to present to Ant when he gets up, although when he first wakes might not be the best time. I’ve been reading reviews on lots of different types of nappies and I have to say I am somewhat confused by how many different types and styles there are. I’m trying not to just decide I want the ‘pretty ones’ and am being good and asking other Mums their favourites and trying to find the most practical and good value for money.
Initially the cost of a stash of cloth will be expensive but in the long run it should work out considerable cheaper – providing I don’t get addicted to buying them and end up with millions. Which is quite possible, although being skint will put a stop to over the top buying.
I have decided (if I can convince my OH of course) that I am going to buy a couple of different makes of nappies and see which we like the best and then slowly build a stash up hopefully before the new baby makes an appearance.
I already own a Flip and I am quite liking the look of the Little Lambs and couple of people have recommended them. They look so soft and comfy and come in a good selection of colours.

How funky are these? Some of the make’s of nappies have such awesome designs!

I’m getting a little bit too excited about the prospect of owning more cloth nappies, is that a little sad? Guess it comes with being a Mum maybe? Or I just a little wierd...although I know I am not alone. There are a lovely bunch of ladies who’ve been helping me out over the on the Baby and Bump forum
Friday, 4 June 2010
I want...
Look >>>>

Isn't it amazing?! I didn't want a double buggy until I saw this - I've been debating if I need one since I found out I was pregnant. None of them did what I wanted - until I came across the pear! It can be arranged in 20 different ways.. how awesome!
The downside there is no price online which means its probably more expensive than a second hand car! No I'm not exagerating. Ants (my husband)response was 'I'd want it to make a cup of tea for that price.'
I did laugh, but it wasn't a no was it? Do you think he can be persuaded?!
I WOULD get three years use out of it, as you can use it as a single buggy as well as a double. So it would go some way to being value for money - a small way perhaps!
I'm not even convinced I could bring myself to part with so much money... but the more I think about it, the more i think I will need a double buggy. Joshua is walking but will only be 17 months, he's not going to want to walk all the time. Is he? I have no clue! Perhaps I could sell things... my two buggies for starters (yes I have two)
Anyway I am going to go and carry on dreaming...
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Controlled Crying & Crying It Out
Crying it out (CIO) is basically leaving a child to cry without going back into them and leaving them until the fall asleep.
Controlled crying (CC) is a sleep training technique where parents allow a baby to cry for increasing lengths of time until he or she eventually falls asleep. The parent will go in and check on a baby at increased intervals until he or she finally learns to self soothe and fall asleep without the help of a sleep prop or parental intervention.
I couldn’t bear the thought of using either of these techniques when Joshua was younger and I could never understand and still don’t, parent’s who use either technique on small babies. Both techniques are not recommended until a baby is at least 6 months old – even then I wouldn’t use either. As far as I was concerned I didn’t want my baby to become scared of sleep times, and over time we went from rocking him to sleep, to staying with him till he drifted off to being able to put him down sleepy and leave the room. It took longer than either CIO or CC probably would but caused both me and Joshua much less stress.
However after months of going to sleep brilliant something changed and Joshua would no longer fall to sleep, at ten months I made the decision that I couldn’t get into the habit of staying with him until he fell asleep – especially with a new baby on the way. So I decide to try out my own version of CC. I chose ten minutes and left Joshua to cry, and then went back in, lay him down and popped dummy in. I repeated this every ten minutes until he finally fell asleep. The first night took an hour and half and I sat outside his room crying, it was killing me. Listening to my baby crying is so hard, it just doesn’t seem natural. I came so close to giving in but was so glad when I never. My night four he only cried for ten minutes, and generally that’s as long as he cries for most nights now – usually just having a fuss and settling himself.
As hard as it was at the time, and as much as I felt like the WORST mummy in the world. I know it was the right decision and since doing it 90% of nights he sleeps all the way through – something he has never done before!
I would never chose CIO as an option as how would you know if your baby had a dirty nappy, or had been sick or anything if you just left them up there to cry until they fell asleep. It reminds me of that NSPCC advert ‘Miles has learnt that nobody comes whether he cries or not!” Breaks my heart!
So that’s my view on things...what does everyone else think?
A little about me
I already write a blog filled with random things, but I do find I want to write baby related things but I don’t want to bore my readers so I thought I would start another blog for all Mummy related topics – keep the two separate. I’m not sure how it will work or if I will get any interest but that’s the reason behind doing one.
So a little about me.
My name is Lucy, I’m 25 and a mummy to Joshua Ryan who will be one in just under three weeks – I honestly don’t know where the past year has gone. He’s not a baby anymore but a toddler – it’s hard to imagine he was ever as small as he was. I’m also 15 weeks pregnant with number to, which is pretty exciting and scary at the same time.
Married to a Anthony – a lovely love guy, and we live in out ickle two bed house. Need and want a bigger one but it’s not possible right now, or in the foreseeable future. So we just squeeze in together! We have Dylan our Labrador, he’s crazy but so sweet and him and Joshua get on so well.
Think that’s about it, you will no doubt learn much much more about me as I write more posts!
Oh and if you read I would love to hear your comments and thoughts on any of my posts! J